Software products
How Operations Research makes
Consultancy services
Almost all consultancies lead to the need for some software
to implement the solution methodology.
We found very early on that using mathematics to the advantage of industry
would not work,
unless it were coupled with a strong software development capability.
This includes the need for requirements analysis,
data modelling, interface design, and software construction.
The company has now developed applications for widely diverse industries,
in areas including ...
vehicle routing and scheduling
bus and rail crew scheduling
staff rostering
university timetabling
optimisation in networks
applications using geographic information systems
financial optimisation
public transport passenger information
The diversity of these applications is evidence of the fact that
advanced mathematical services can be applied to new industries
without the analysts having worked in those industries for long periods.
It is the ability to model systems,
using the quantitative skills of mathematicians, which provides the key.
Ross Moore