Dr. Noel Barton
Manager, Applied & Industrial Mathematics Program
CSIRO, Division of Mathematics and Statistics
Noel Barton,
Manager, Applied & Industrial Mathematics Program
Division of Mathematics and Statistics
Locked Bag 17, North Ryde, NSW 2113
Tel: +61 2 9325 3270 Fax: +61 2 9325 3200
Biographical note: Noel was educated at the
University of Western Australia,
graduating with a PhD in Applied Mathematics in 1973.
Subsequently he held a CSIRO Postdoctoral Scholarship
at the
University of Cambridge followed by
appointments at the Universities of
Queensland and
His appointment in
CSIRO commenced in 1981.
Noel's main professional interests are Fluid Mechanics,
Computational Mathematics
and the transfer of mathematically-based results to industry.
In 1994-95 he was Executive Officer
and Editor of the
``Strategic Review of Mathematical Sciences Research
and Advanced Mathematical Services in Australia''.
During 1993-94 he was Chair of
the main professional body for Applied Mathematicians
in Australia and New Zealand.
© Copyright:
Short extracts may be quoted in reports if attributed to
``Mathematical Sciences Symposium at the University of NSW, 23 February 1996''.
Reproduction of substantial extracts or use of the full paper
requires the prior permission of both the author
and the Symposium organisers.
Inquiries to Professor
Ian Sloan, ph 61 2 9385 3357.