Dr Les Balzer
President, Q-Group (Australia);
Investment Manager
Lend Lease Investment Management
Dr Les Balzer, Investment Manager
Lend Lease Investment Management
Level 43, Australia Square
Sydney, NSW 2000
Tel: +61 2 9237 5100 Fax: +61 2 9232 1850
Biographical note: Mathematics, physics and engineering at UNSW were followed by
a PhD in Control Engineering from the University of Cambridge,
plus a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance.
Les's career moved from engineering, through venture capital,
stockbroking and financial mathematics to investment management,
and has included Dean of Engineering at RMIT,
Principal of Consulting Actuaries with William M.Mercer Inc.
and several directorships.
He received the ``Halmstad Prize'' from the
American Actuarial Research Foundation
for the best paper in the international literature.
Last year, Les became the first non-American to win the
``Outstanding Paper of the Year'' award
from The Journal of Investing, New York.}
© Copyright:
Short extracts may be quoted in reports if attributed to
``Mathematical Sciences Symposium at the University of NSW, 23 February 1996''.
Reproduction of substantial extracts or use of the full paper
requires the prior permission of both the author
and the Symposium organisers.
Inquiries to Professor Ian Sloan, ph 61 2 9385 3357.