Centre of Australian Category Theory
Report for 2002
The Centre of Australian Category Theory CoACT develops an algebra
of widespread applicability for the synthesis and analysis of systems
and processes in fields as diverse as physics and computer science,
and also mathematics itself. Although having operated as a coherent
group since the founding of the on-going Australian Category Seminar
in 1971, CoACT was formally established in 1999.
To provide the environment for the top international centre for
Higher-dimensional Category Theory and a major international centre
for general Category Theory.
To pursue vigorously research into those parts of mathematics and
computer science which find natural expression and advancement in
terms of Category Theory and to train the highest-quality research
Advisory Board
Professor Ross Street
Director CoACT
Professor Michael Johnson
Associate Director CoACT
Emeritus Professor Max Kelly
University of Sydney
Dr Wesley Phoa
Capital Strategy Research, USA
Associate Professor Dominic Verity
Division of ICS, Macquarie University
Professor Di Yerbury
Vice Chancellor, Macquarie University
Professor Ray Offen
Dean, Division of ICS, Macquarie University
The Advisory Board met on 1 May 2002 and a meeting is set for
3 June 2003.
- Both Max Kelly and Ross Street were awarded Australian
Federation Centenary Medals Medals with the citation: for
service to Australian society and science in mathematics.
Appropos to this, an interview with Kelly appeared in the Sydney
Morning Herald (page 4 on 22 April 2003).
- A publication dedicated to Professor Max Kelly on the occasion
of his 70th birthday appeared as Volume 175 Numbers 1-3 of the
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra.
Research in 2002 and early 2003
- This Report indicates the superb quality of research by
members of CoACT for the period.
- Since the last report, the research of Scott Russell Johnson
Fellow, Dr Michael Batanin, attained a heightened level of
international recognition, particularly amongst the algebraic
topologists. Here is a quote from an email to Street from
Professor Jim Stasheff (a pioneer of modern homotopy theory, based
at the University of North Carolina): "How could [Michael Batanin]
have been unappreciated for so long? Blessings on you for
providing all you have for him, and thereby for us."
- Batanin has greatly developed higher dimensional homological
algebra and the role of higher categorical structures in
deformation theory. The biggest achievement connects the classical
theory of symmetric operads with higher operads; see [31]. A
beautiful formula for the suspension of a higher operad
generalises the Eckmann-Hilton argument to all dimensions, an
argument that proved so fundamental in dimensions one and two. The
formula also led Batanin to a description of iterated n-fold loop
spaces as algebras for contractible n-operads. An application was
a description [33] of the combinatorics of iterated loop spaces,
which throws light on a 40 year old mystery; this is a subject of
further discussion with Getzler, Markl and Tamarkin.
- The quality of Batanin's achievements can also be measured by
the invitations he accepted in 2002. He participated in the Newton
Institute Workshop on Modern Homotopy Theory (Cambridge, September
2002), took up a scholarship in the Max Plank Institute (Bonn,
September-November 2002), and gave three invited talks in Bonn and
Heitingen Universities (October 2002). He is currently travelling
in response to invitations by A. Joyal (Montréal, March-May
2003); P. May (Chicago, April 2003); B. Toen, C. Simpson and A.
Hirschowitz (Nice, May 2003); and V. Vershinin (Montpellier, May
2003). He was also invited to lecture at Northwestern University
on n-operads; this generated a lot of interest amongst the people
doing deformation quantisation.
- At the Macquarie University Graduation Ceremony on 10 April
2002 Mark Weber's PhD degree was conferred for the thesis entitled
Symmetric Operads for Globular Sets.
- At the Macquarie University Graduation Ceremony on 16 April
2003 Lee Flax's PhD degree was conferred with a Vice-Chancellor's
Commendation for the thesis entitled Algebraic aspects of
entailment. The thesis was also a close runner-up for the
Australasian Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation Award in Computer
Science for 2002.
- The thesis of our Scott Russell Johnson Scholar Daniel Steffen
is currently made of three parts. He has described, jointly with
James Dolan, a free cartesian closed category in terms of games
and "take-back" strategies. The second part throws light on
cohomology with coefficients in higher groupoids. The final part
picks up on the new topic of "quantum categories" as defined by
Day and Street [34].
- Day and Street believe their discovery [34] that star-autonomy
is the appropriate concept of duality required to quantize the
theory of groupoids is quite exciting. Apart from their appearance
in mathematics, star-autonomous categories have been known for
over a decade to model the linear logic of Girard used extensively
in computer science as a way of coping with resources and resource
control. So their appearance in quantum groupoid theory confirms
the concept as fundamental. Feedback on this work has been very
- Ross Street, Max Kelly and Michael Johnson are the three Chief
Investigators of the project Category theory arising from
geometry, algebra, computer science and physics funded by the
Australian Research Council for 2001-3. Around 23 of the first 38
publications listed below have arisen on this project, often
written jointly with each other and with other colleagues. Each
paper contains significant results and original fundamental
insights in the areas of the project. For example, the paper [26]
with Dr Julien Bichon (France) adapts a known technique for
structurally solving the Yang-Baxter system of equations to the
solving of a variety of other non-linear systems involving a large
number of equations and variables. The paper [3] with Stephen Lack
vastly improves one of Street's popular early papers and
introduces a more general concept of distributive law between
monads with applications in quantum group theory and cohomology.
The work [27] with Brian Day and Paddy McCrudden gives a common
setting for dualization in monoidal categories and antipodes in
bialgebras leading to more-applicable results in the theory of
representations of bialgebras. Three papers of Kelly have recently
completed the publication process including the paper [2] with
Street, Labella, and Schmitt which introduces the new concept of a
category enriched on both sides. Kelly is actively working on five
other papers that are at an advanced stage. A large part of the
work of Johnson under this grant was in fact preliminary
mathematical studies which led to the discovery of new techniques
for database specification and interoperation. Those studies have
been very successful and no fewer than seventeen papers of Johnson
were in some way supported by this grant.
- Technically, Alexei Davydov [9] discovered the structure of a
Gerstenhaber algebra on the K-theory of a braided monoidal
category allowing him to provide a truly conceptual and clear
proof of the Vafa theorem, important in physics. He furthermore
constructed an action of a categorical analogue of the little
n-cubes operad on the category of extensions in a monoidal abelian
category; this is an interesting weak form of the generalised
Deligne hypothesis. The Gerstenhaber bracket he constructs [44] on
the endo-extension algebra of the unit object is trivial in the
presence of a braiding; yet there is another bracket of degree two
that comes into play!
- Davydov has discovered [45] other applications of classical
homological algebra to homotopy theory. For example, he has a
criterion for the "formality" of an A_{infinity}-map in terms of
the vanishing of certain Hochschild cohomology groups.
- Lack pursued the strong analogy between using pseudo
structures and working "up to homotopy'". He showed [13] that the
category of 2-categories has a Quillen model structure. This means
one can develop a large amount of the homotopy theory of spaces.
There are fascinating connections between the resulting homotopy
theory and various aspects of 2-category theory.
- The visitors to CoACT continue to enrich our research through
joint collaboration and through the Seminar; see the list below.
Of particular note was the extremely successful visit by Professor
John Baez who, whilst here, also gave some beautiful lectures to
wider mathematical audiences.
Grants and funding
- The Centre has been actively supported by both Macquarie
University and the University of Sydney. In 1998, Mr Steve G
Johnson made a very generous donation, in memory of Scott Russell
Johnson, a former graduate student in category theory. This has
provided both Research Fellowships and Graduate Scholarships.
- The Scott Russell Johnson Memorial donation to CoACT is
invested along with the general University funds. The interest
rate has been slowly increasing. For 2002 it averaged 4.05% p.a.
while for January 2003 it was 5% p.a.
- Street's Australian Research Council Discovery Grant
application for 2003-5 was successful. For the project entitled
Invariants of higher-dimensional categories, with
applications, the allocation was $90K, $60K and $70K over the
three years. The funds are being used primarily to support Dr
Alexei Davydov as Research Associate on the project.
- The Street-Kelly-Johnson ARC Large Grant is in its final year
(2003). A continuation of this funding is sought in the form of a
2004-6 Discovery Grant proposal where, we are happy to report,
Stephen Lack has joined as a fourth Chief Investigator.
- Michael Johnson's work as a Chief Investigator with Street and
Kelly continues to be very productive. In particular, it led to
the discovery of new techniques for database specification and
interoperation. Carrying this particular direction further would
be beyond the scope of that grant or its proposed continuation.
Consequently Johnson has prepared a separate Discovery Grant
application, entitled Category theoretic foundations of
information management, seeking funding for the continuation
of that now more applied work.
- For the fourth consecutive year Daniel Steffen was awarded a
WWDC 2003 Apple University Consortium Competitive Scholarship to
be Macquarie's representative at the Apple Computer Conference in
San Francisco.
- Michael Batanin and Alexei Davydov took up their competitively
awarded Scholarships to visit the Max Planck Institute in Bonn,
Germany, each for a couple of months in mid-2002.
- Michael Batanin and Alexei Davydov held a Macquarie University
Safety Net Grant during 2002.
Personnel matters
- Dr Stephen Lack accepted a position as Lecturer in the School
of Quantitative Methods and Mathematical Sciences at the
University of Western Sydney.
- Dr Mark Weber will continue for a second year as Postdoctoral
Fellow at the University of Ottawa, Canada.
- As reported last year, Street and Davydov were invited
speakers for the Workshop on Noncommutative Geometry, K-theory,
and String Theory at the University of Adelaide in Jan 2002.
All three talks were very well received by the mathematicians of
diverse backgrounds.
- Street was a plenary speaker at the Fields Institute (Toronto,
Canada) during the Workshop on Categorical Structures for
Descent and Galois Theory, Hopf Algebras and Semiabelian
Categories, 23-28 September 2002; audio and text of his
lecture Formal representation theory are at
The two papers [34] and [35] were written in connection with this
- Lack gave two talks at the September Fields Institute
Workshop: his own, entitled A van Kampen theorem for
toposes (see [28]) and Kelly's On flexibility for
2-monads (see [49]). Although Kelly was an invited speaker, at
the last moment he was unable to attend.
- Street was invited to speak at Université du
Québec à Montréal in a very lively
international colloquium in honour of his close colleague
Professor André Joyal. The Journées Joyal
were 11-13 April 2003; see
Street's talk, entitled Quantum categories and quantum
groupoids, was based on the joint work [34] with Brian Day. In
the days around Journées Joyal, Street worked with
Joyal, Dubuc and others in Montréal for the colloquium. At
least two germs of possible future research arose.
- Batanin is an invited speaker at the Workshop Cats2 on
higher categorical structures in algebraic geometry in Nice,
France (17-24 May 2003). The organizers are A. Hirschowitz, C.
Simpson and B. Toen.
- There was approval for a Summer Program (7-18 June 2004),
called n-Categories: Foundations and Applications, at the
Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) at Minnesota.
The organizers of the program are J. Peter May and John Baez. The
webpage (recommended reading!) is
- The Australian Category Seminar, held each Wednesday
afternoon, owes its success in 2002 again to the wonderful efforts
of the organizers Stephen Lack and Daniel Steffen. Talk titles and
abstracts can be obtained from the website:
Visitors in 2002 and early 2003
John Baez
University of California, Riverside
January-March 2003
Isar Stubbe
Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
January 2003
Eric Goubault
Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique, Saclay, France
December 2002
Shahn Majid
Queen Mary, University of London
December 2002
Yefim Katsov
Hanover College, Indiana
April 2002
George Janelidze
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal and Mathematical
Institute of the Academy of Science, Tbilisi
Nov 2001 - Mar 2002
Bob Rosebrugh
Mt Allison University, Canada
Mar 2002
Jürgen Koslowski
Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany
Mar 2002
Anne Heyworth
University of Leicester
Feb 2002
Kostas Tourlas
University of Edinburgh
Jan 2002
Documented Research Activity since early
1. M. Batanin, On the Penon method of weakening of algebraic
structures, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 172 (2002) 1-23.
2. G.M. Kelly, A. Labella, V. Schmitt and R. Street, Categories
enriched on two sides, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 168 (2002)
3. S. Lack and R. Street, The formal theory of monads II, J.
Pure Appl. Algebra 175 (2002) 243-265.
4. B.J. Day and R. Street, Lax monoids, pseudo-operads, and
convolution, in: "Diagrammatic Morphisms and Applications",
Contemporary Mathematics 318 (American Math Soc. 2003)
5. R. Street, Trees, permutations and the tangent function,
Reflections 27 (2) (Math. Assoc. of NSW, May 2002)
19-23; also arXiv: math.HO/0303267.
6. R. Street, Weak omega-categories, in: "Diagrammatic Morphisms
and Applications", Contemporary Mathematics 318
(American Math Soc. 2003) 207-213.
7. B.J. Day and R. Street, Abstract substitution in enriched
categories, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 179 (2003) 49-63.
8. A. Davydov and R. Street, Roots of unity as a Lie algebra,
Georgian Mathematical Journal 9(4) (2002) 683-690.
9. A. Davydov, K-theory of braided monoidal categories,
K-Theory 27 (2002) 371-389.
10. J.R.B. Cockett and S. Lack, Restriction categories I:
categories of partial maps, Theoretical Computer Science
270 (2002) 223-259.
11. J. Adamek, F. Borceux, S. Lack and J. Rosicky, A
classification of accessible categories, J. Pure Appl. Algebra
175 (2002) 7-30.
12. S. Lack, Codescent objects and coherence, J. Pure Appl.
Algebra 175 (2002) 223-241.
13. S. Lack, A Quillen model structure for 2-categories,
K-Theory 26 (2002) 171-205.
14. J.R.B. Cockett and S. Lack, Restriction categories II: partial
map classification, Theoretical Computer Science 294
(2003) 61-102.
15. A. Carboni, G. Janelidze and R. Street, Foreword [on the 70th
birthday of Gregory Maxwell Kelly]. Special volume celebrating the
70th birthday of Professor Max Kelly. J. Pure Appl. Algebra
175 (2002) 1-5.
16. G. Janelidze, G.M. Kelly, A note on actions of a monoidal
category. Theory Appl. Categ. 9 (2001/2), 61-91.
17. P. McCrudden, Tannaka duality for Maschkean Categories, J.
Pure. Appl. Algebra 168 (2002) 265-307.
18. Paddy McCrudden, Opmonoidal monads, Theory and Applications
of Categories 10 (2002) 469-485.
19. Michael Johnson and Robert Rosebrugh, Database
Interoperability Through State Based Logical Data Independence,
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology
16 (2-3) (2003) 97-102.
20. Michael Johnson, Robert Rosebrugh and Richard Wood, Entity
Relationship Attribute Designs and Sketches, Theoy and Application
of Categories 10 (2002) 94-112.
21. Michael Johnson and Robert Rosebrugh, Sketch Data Models,
Relational Schema and Data Specifications, ENTCS 61 (6)
(2002) 1-13.
22. C.N.G Dampney and Michael Johnson, Enterprise Information
Systems: Specifying the links among project data models using
category theory, Enterprise Information Systems III (Eds J.
Filipe, B. Sharp, and P. Miranda; Kluwer 2002) 191-197.
23. Richard Buckland, Michael Johnson and Dominic Verity, On the
specification of Higher Dimensional Automata, ENTCS 68
(2002) 1-13.
24. Michael Johnson and Rosebert Rosebrugh, Three approaches to
partiality in the sketch data model, ENTCS 78 (2003)
25. J. Bichon and R. Street, Militaru's D-equation in monoidal
categories, Applied Categorical Structures (to appear).
26. R. Street, Functorial calculus in monoidal bicategories,
Applied Categorical Structures (to appear).
27. B.J. Day, P. McCrudden and R. Street, Dualizations and
antipodes, Applied Categorical Structures (to appear).
28. M. Bunge and S. Lack, Van Kampen theorems for toposes,
Advances in Math. (to appear).
29. George Ivanov and Peter Vamos, A characterization of FGC
rings, Contemporary Math. (Amer. Math. Soc. 2002).
30. P.H. Butler, W.P. Joyce, L.F. McAven and B.G. Searle,
Recursive calculation of non-primitive coupling and recoupling
brakets, Canadian Journal of Physics
31. M. Batanin, The Eckmann-Hilton argument, higher operads and
-spaces, math.CT/0207281; submitted to Advances in Math.
32. M. Batanin, Computads and slices of operads, math.CT/0209035;
submitted to Theory and Appl. of Categories.
33. M. Batanin, The combinatorics of iterated loop spaces,
math.CT/0301221; submitted to Topology and its Appl.
34. B.J. Day and R. Street, Quantum categories, star autonomy, and
quantum groupoids, math.CT/0301209; submitted to an American Math
Soc. publication "Categories, Algebras, and Galois Theory -
Proceedings of the Workshop on Categorical Structures for Descent and
Galois Theory, Hopf Algebras and Semiabelian Categories, Toronto
35. R. Street, Categorical and combinatorial aspects of descent
theory, math.CT/0303175; submitted to Applied Categorical
36. R. Street, The monoidal centre as a limit, math.CT/0304053.
37. G.M. Kelly and S. Lack, Monoidal functors generated by
adjunctions, with applications to transport of structure.
38. William Joyce, Natural Associativity without the Pentagon
In Preparation
39. Michael Batanin and Mark Weber, Multitensors and higher
dimensional operads.
40. Michael Batanin, Coherence, cooperative games and shuffle
41. Michael Batanin, Brian Day and Ross Street, Lax globular
monoidal functors out of Omega (working title).
42. Michael Batanin, Clemens Berger, and Sjoerd Crans,
Contractibility of the operad for Crans' 4-categories (working
43. Alexei Davydov, Nuclei for pseudo-monoidal categories.
44. Alexei Davydov, Gerstenhaber structures on extensions.
45. Alexei Davydov, A_{infinity}-structures and Hochschild
46. Michael Johnson, Rewriting techniques and coherence theorems.
47. Michael Johnson, David Naumann and John Power, Category
Theoretic Models of Data Refinement.
48. Michael Johnson and Robert Rosebrugh, Universal view
49. G.M. Kelly, S. Lack and A.J. Power, Flexibility for 2-monads.
50. G.M. Kelly and M.-C. Pedicchio, On one-sortedness of algebraic
51. G.M. Kelly and A.J. Power, Enrichment for monads on the
category of categories.
52. F. Borceux and G.M. Kelly, On accessibility for enriched
53. B.J. Day and G.M. Kelly, On categories with a distributive
54. C. Kennett, M. Roy and M. Zaks, When does skeletal imply
55. G.M. Kelly and B. Mesablishvili, On enriched monads of descent
type and of effective descent type (28 page working note, 2002).
56. C. Dampney and M. Johnson, Experience in developing
inteoperations among legacy information systems using partial reverse
engineering (Manuscript, February, 2003).